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This recording of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus features the Divine Liturgy in a traditional a capella setting. The liturgy evolves as a sonic metamorphosis from traditional chant, through polyphony, then finally discovering 300 years of Ukrainian sacred music. This recording features composers such as Dyletskiy, Berezovsky, Koshyts, Bortniansky, Stetsenko, Leontovych, Verbytsky, Kytasty, Lysenko, and Hnatyshyn.


"This is a noteworthy musical document filled with majestic ensemble work and dozens of fine solo performances..." - David Lyman, Detroit Free Press, March 30, 2003.


  • Great Litany
  • First Antiphon
  • Small Litany
  • Glory … Only Begotten Son
  • Small Litany
  • Third Antiphon
  • Come, Let Us Worship
  • Tropar Tone 2 halycian chant
  • Thrice-Holy Hymn
  • Is Polla Eti Despota
  • Prokeimonon Tone 2
  • Epistle Reading
  • Alleluia
  • Litany of Fervent Supplication
  • Cherubic Hymn
  • Litany of Supplication
  • Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
  • The Symbol of Faith
  • Eucharistic Prayer
  • We Praise You
  • Proper to Mother of God
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • One is Holy
  • Praise the Lord
  • We Have Seen The True Light
  • May Our Mouths Be Filled With Praise
  • Litany of Thanksgiving
  • Blessed be the Name of the Lord
  • Glory to the Father
  • Amen
  • Prayer for Ukraine

Golden Echoes of Kyiv

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